North Haven ML Department

     The North Haven Public Schools ML Department works to support multilingual students and their families by working collaboratively with the school community in identifying and addressing the needs of each student.  We recognize the advantages of being multilingual, and we celebrate what our families bring to the North Haven community.

We believe:


  • First and foremost, students need to feel safe, secure, and cared for in school
  • Use of the first language in the home facilitates second and additional language acquisition
  • Language acquisition is developmental and acquired in stages
  • Rate of acquisition is unique to individuals and is influenced by multiple factors
  • First language literacy development can facilitate English language literacy development
  • Cultural and linguistic diversity enriches the lives of the entire school community

The linguistic, social, and academic goals of the program are to:

  • Support the acquisition of social and academic language in the domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing  
  • Provide research-based strategies and instructional practices that are designed to meet the unique needs of our students
  • Challenge students to meet rigorous, academic goals
  • Promote understanding, respect, and appreciation for the cultural and linguistic diversity of our multilingual population
  • Collaborate with the school and community to support the needs of a diverse, multilingual population. 
  • Connect with families to support a home-school partnership